Thursday, May 8, 2014

Product : Ultra Resveratrol

Ultra Resveratrol

Enquiry - (Malaysia)
Direct Line - 016 717 0379 Ms. Claira (Malaysia)
Advanced Formula

  • Comprehensive 1200mg Formula for Anti-Aging and Slim Lean
  • Potent, Premium Ingredients: Resveratrol, Pomegranate, Green Tea, Quercetin, Grape Seed Extract, Acai and more!
  • 60 Capsules

Cellular Metabolism
Enhance Energy


Are You Starting to Feel Older?

Or Worse, Are You Starting to
 LOOK Older?

One day we all wake up, look in the mirror and realize that we are getting older. You have probably noticed that it is harder to get out of bed in the morning... it is harder to lose weight... it is harder to fight-off those wrinkles... and you have less and less energy every day! Well, I have to let you know that there IS something that you can do about it! There IS a way to SLOW DOWN the aging process. If You Keep Reading I will reveal the amazing secret that will allow you to live a LONG and HEALTHY life!

Creams, Lotions and Vitamins Can Only Do So Much...

You can spend hundreds of dollars on wrinkle creams and lotions, but you have to get to the SOURCE of you aging if you want to LOOK and FEEL younger. You can take the most expensive vitamins and eat the healthiest food, but you have to SLOW-DOWN the aging process if you really want to live a LONG and HEALTHY life. And it’s time for you to uncover the secret to living a long, healthier life... 

Put The Power Of Ultra Resveratrol To Work For You!

The health benefits of red wine have been widely recognized. Researchers said that red wine consumption may be responsible for the low occurrence of cardiovascular diseases among the French, who eat a relatively high fat diet. But a few years ago the scientific community made an amazing discovery... 

One of the main components of Grape skin - the compound called Resveratrol – actually works to refresh and revitalize your body at a cellular level. Scientific studies suggest that Resveratrol may protect your body against heart disease, diabetes, and even Alzheimer's. It supports healthy weight and it may even...
  • PREVENT your body from aging
  • SUPPORT your metabolism
  • BOOST your brain function
  • SKYROCKET your energy
  • ENCOURAGE your cardiovascular health
But right now you are probably wondering HOW Resveratrol works to do all of this, and I have to let you know that it is all about the Free Radicals in your body and the Antioxidants in combinations of Ultra Resveratrol. 

When our bodies process oxygen we naturally produce molecules called Free Radicals. Free Radicals attack our healthy cells, SPEED-UP the aging process, cause numerous diseases, and even set off weight gain.

Free Radicals are what age us, they are what give us health problems and they are what make us look old.

But luckily there are Antioxidants that work to:

  1. STOP Free Radicals in their tracks
  2. PREVENT the damage of Free Radicals
  3. REPAIR the destruction Free Radicals have done in the past
When you provide your body with the right antioxidants you are going to be able to refresh, renew and restore the health of your cells. When you refresh, renew and restore the health of your cells you are going to look younger, feel younger, and live longer. And with Ultra Resveratrol you have the most powerful Antioxidant in the world.

Potent Anti-aging and Optimal Heath Antioxidants

While many believe Resveratrol may have anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, weight loss and anti-cancer characteristics, additional research on this antioxidant agent has shown that it can assist in preventing heart disease and cancer. Resveratrol may also help prevent free radical damage and provide better support to blood vessels caused by elevated levels of blood glucose. High levels of glucose in the blood may experience cellular damage and develop retinopathy, kidney disease, and heart disease. A recent study suggests that resveratrol may also not only reduce the risk of heart disease, but also age-related illnesses like Alzheimer's disease.

Ultra Resveratrol brings together resveratrol plus other powerful antioxidants, resulting in a premium 1200mg potent formula. Resveratrol is combined with powerful antioxidant polyphenolic compounds (quercetin, and extracts from green tea, grape seed, and grape skin), resulting in a formula that both strengthens the cardiovascular system and modulates genes known to enhance life span.

While it has been know for thousands of years that wine is a healthful drink (thus the old Roman saying 'In Vino Sanitas'- In wine there is health), the scientific community started taking wine's health benefits seriously after 60 Minutes reported the famous 'French Paradox' study in which people in France were less likely to die of heart attacks than Americans despite similar high fat diets. The study concluded that the relatively large amounts of red wine consumed by the French protected their hearts. The study took a close look at what compound was providing these amazing benefits. Our Ultra Resveratrol gained the largest amounts of interest and provided the most benefits.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

UPC: 220030274305

What Are The Ingredients In Ultra Resveratrol?

Ultra Resveratrol contains only the highest quality ingredients. The secret behind the success of our formula is the purest form of Resveratrol blended with three super antioxidants. This synergy between the ingredients creates greater anti-aging effect than Resveratrol alone.

All ingredients in Ultra Resveratrol have been scientifically tested and found to be very effective in fighting off free radicals.


Resveratrol is a natural compound found in the skin of red grapes. Resveratrol is reported to have strong anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. It has been found to stop growth of human cancer cells, including those from breast, prostate, stomach, colon, pancreatic, and thyroid cancers. Studies have shown that it can delay aging by activating the longevity gene called SIRT1 (Sirtuin). 


Quercetin is a flavonoid present in apples, citrus fruits and strawberries. It is the secret behind the saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Quercetin has amazing anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor and anti-allergenic effects. All these activities are caused by the strong antioxidant action of quercetin.


Green tea is derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis and contains the powerful antioxidants called catechins. Catechins work to fight-off the free radicals in your body while reducing and preventing the damage that free radicals cause. The health benefits of catechins have been studied extensively and have shown strong anti-cancer properties. UCLA study found that Quercetin combined with Catechins may prevent lung cancer from developing in smokers. Clinical studies also show that green tea boosts metabolism, help burn fat and delay aging.


Contains flavonoids called Proanthocyanidins (OPCs), are believed to have strong antioxidant properties. OPCs protect against the effects of internal and environmental stresses such as cigarette smoking and pollution, as well as supporting normal body metabolic processes. The health benefits include reducing blood fat, protecting blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure, dropping blood viscidity and preventing blood clots formation. Additionally, studies have shown that OPCs may prevent cardiovascular disease by counteracting the negative effects of high cholesterol on the heart and blood vessels.

Clinical Tests Proved Effectiveness of Ingredients in Ultra Resveratrol

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

  • Manufactured by: Healthcosmo

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